Ayurvedic tips for monsoon

Monsoon season is here!  


The cool rain, the lush greenery, and the cozy feeling of staying indoors are all wonderful. But, with the monsoon comes some challenges. The constant rain and humidity can affect your health and therefore, it is important to take care of yourself during monsoon. 


In terms of health, monsoon is often marked by poor gut health, low digestive fire (Agni), low immunity and low energy levels. This is primarily because all the Doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha go into imbalance during the season. Therefore, it is important to improve your immunity and Agni by all means possible to reduce the ill effects of the season. 


Tips to improve immunity and Agni


Rainy season is my favourite season of the year, and the season most favourable for Ayurvedic treatments and Panchakarma (detoxification). But, like I said above, it is when your immunity, energy levels and Agni are at the lowest. Here are few tips for monsoon that can help: 


  • Dry ginger water

Sip dry ginger water throughout the day. Dry ginger balances Vata and decreases Kapha. It is also great for flu, cold, cough and most upper respiratory tract disorders that are usually a part of monsoon.  

You can also try our medicated water for monsoon. It is a herbal powder that has to be boiled with water. The powder has Tridosha subsiding ingredients, specifically for the rainy season. 


  • Avoid day napping

Make sure you do not sleep during the day during the rainy season. Sleeping during the day aggravates Kapha. 


  • Soup/rice gruel for dinner

Include green gram soup or medicated rice gruel every day for dinner. They help improve your Agni and energy levels. 


  • Buttermilk

Have buttermilk every day during lunchtime, added with black salt, pepper and dry ginger. It is great for improving your Agni and conditions due to increased Kapha and Vata. 


  • Honey

Include honey every day in your diet at room temperature. It is better to use honey from people who sell natural honey directly from the bees than the ones available in supermarkets. Also, have it raw and not heated.

Ayurveda warns against the use of honey in any heated form – directly or mixed with warm milk, warm water, warm lemon water or with tea, etc. as it causes “Ama” or toxicity in the body. 


  • Fumigation

Use frankincense, turmeric and other herbs to fumigate your house every day to ward off germs that may be present in your home due to the dampness.   


  • Mid-morning drink

Have puffed rice boiled water every day as a mid-morning drink.   

Puffed rice helps improve digestion and immunity.  


  • Avoid over-exertion

Reduce over-exertion and extreme workouts during monsoon as they can aggravate Vata and affect your Agni.  


  • Purificatory therapies 

Monsoon is the most favourable season for purificatory therapies. Try Vamana, Vasti, Virechana and other body treatments to pacify the Doshas.  


  • Abhyanga

Abhyanga or self-oil massage is mandatory. The best oil for the rainy season is Dhanwantaram Tailam. 


Things to avoid during monsoon


Rainy season is more of Vata season and hence the time to take some precautions when it comes to eating food. Avoid consuming the following things during monsoon: 


  •  Smoothies

The combination of milk and fruit is incompatible.  


  • Raw salads

Instead, have vegetables, preferably cooked using good fats, like ghee. 


  • Cold water 

Agni is already low during monsoon. Having cold water will lower it further, So, have warm water instead. 


  • Curd in the night 

Curd is heavy to digest and having it during the night can affect your Agni. So, use buttermilk instead. 


Monsoon is a beautiful season that represents beauty and renewal. While the season poses its own set of challenges with regard to your health, you can easily navigate them by following the above-mentioned tips for monsoon. Enjoy the rains, but take care of your health during monsoons!  


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Consult with Dr. Rekha Radhamony