Does the sight of hair on your brush make you panic? Do you worry about thinning strands every time you run your fingers through your hair? Trust me, you’re not alone. Hair loss is a common concern, but the good news is, in most cases, it’s something you can overcome with Ayurveda.
Almost every patient who consults me, whether for thyroid issues, PCOS or even diabetes, deals with hair loss. They all ask me the same question – What do you suggest for hair growth and hair fall?
If you’ve been searching for answers, you’re at the right place.
Can Ayurveda Really Help with Hair Loss?
Is your hair loss reversible? The answer depends on the type of hair loss you have. Some conditions are completely reversible with Ayurvedic treatment, while others can only be managed or delayed.
In this blog, let’s discuss different types of hair loss, their causes, and how Ayurveda can help in each case.
1. Is your scalp completely shiny? Then Ayurveda can’t help.
One of the first things to check when dealing with hair loss is the condition of your scalp. Look at the area where you have lost hair.
If your scalp is completely smooth and shiny, with no tiny hair follicles or dots visible, then hair loss is irreversible. This happens because the hair follicles have atrophied (shrunken and died), meaning they cannot produce hair again.
This type of hair loss is known as scarring alopecia and can’t be treated with Ayurveda.
If you want to regain hair in such areas, modern treatments like hair transplants are the only option.
2. Some baby hair or tiny dots? Ayurveda can help!
Now, what if your scalp isn’t completely shiny?
If you see tiny dots or small baby hairs in the area where you’re experiencing hair loss, it means your hair follicles are not dead but dormant or weekend. In such cases, Ayurveda can help by reviving these follicles and promoting hair regrowth.
Ayurvedic treatments like scalp massage, herbal oils, detoxification and a nourishing diet can stimulate these follicles back to life.
So if you still have some hair left in the affected area, don’t lose hope. Your hair loss can be reversed with Ayurveda.
3. Autoimmune hair loss (Alopecia Areata)? It is completely reversible!
One of the most common autoimmune hair loss conditions is Alopecia Areata, where hair falls out in patches.
If you see small, round bald patches on your scalp, eyebrows, or beard, it could be Alopecia Areata. The most unique sign of this condition is exclamation-mark-shaped hair where strands are thinner at the bottom and thicker at the top.
Ayurveda calls this condition Indralupta and believes it happens due to:
- Pitta accumulation affecting hair follicles
- Obstruction of hair roots due to Kapha & Rakta (blood tissue) imbalance restricting the growth of hair
- Overconsumption of inflammatory foods, salty foods, and alkaline foods (eg. Apple cider vinegar)
- Stress
- Long unaddressed impaired digestion
- Krimi (parasites)
Ayurvedic Treatment for Alopecia Areata
Ayurveda can completely reverse this condition with:
- Detoxification – Removing toxins (Ama) from thehair fall
- baldness
- body
- Correcting diet – Eating a cooling, anti-inflammatory diet
- Herbal hair treatments – Hair oils, scalp scrubs, Nasya therapy, and Shiropichu (herbal oil application)
If treated properly, Alopecia Areata is fully reversible, and you can regrow your hair naturally!
4. Hair loss from thyroid issues? Yes, there is hope!
If you are suffering from thyroid imbalance, your hair is falling mostly from the crown area (top of the head). Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis can lead to slow hair growth, brittle strands and diffuse thinning.
Thyroid imbalance is associated in Ayurveda with Dosha imbalance. Ayurveda focuses on balancing thyroid hormones naturally with:
- A Kapha and Vata balancing diet
- Herbal treatments to strengthen hair roots
- Stress management techniques like meditation and yoga
From the moment you start Ayurvedic treatment for your thyroid condition, hair fall can be stopped or significantly reduced. However, patience is key, as hair regrowth takes time.
5. Telogen Effluvium? Don’t worry at all!
Have you recently experienced extreme stress, rapid weight loss, a fever, or surgery? Then you might have Telogen Effluvium, a temporary hair loss condition. In this condition, large amounts of hair fall out suddenly, especially after a stressful event.
The good news? This is not permanent, and hair can grow back naturally.
Ayurveda can speed up hair regrowth by strengthening the hair follicles and nourishing the Asthi Dhatu (bone tissue) and Rakta Dhatu (blood tissue).
So if your hair started shedding after an illness or stress, don’t panic! With proper care, it will grow back.
6. Genetic hair loss? Ayurveda can delay it!
If you have a family history of balding, you might have Androgenetic Alopecia (male/female pattern baldness).
This condition is not completely reversible, but Ayurveda can help slow it down.
By strengthening the existing hair follicles, we can delay the progression of balding. Ayurvedic oils, scalp massages and internal medicines help maintain hair for as long as possible.
7. Traction Alopecia? You can fix it yourself!
Do you always tie your hair in a tight ponytail, sleek bun, or fixed partition? This can lead to Traction Alopecia; consequently, it causes receding hairlines in women.
You can fix this by:
- Changing hairstyles to reduce tension on hair roots
- Massaging the scalp with herbal oils to stimulate regrowth
- Using gentle hair scrubs to remove buildup
If caught early, Traction Alopecia is completely reversible.
8. Postpartum hair loss? Your hair will be back soon!
If you have recently delivered and you’re noticing clumps of hair falling out, don’t panic. New mothers often experience heavy hair loss after giving birth. It is temporary. By the time your baby turns one, your hair growth cycle should return to normal.
Why does postpartum hair loss happen?
- It’s all about hormones! During pregnancy, estrogen levels are high, which keeps your hair in the growth phase. You’ll notice thicker, shinier, and healthier hair during this time.
- After delivery, estrogen levels drop suddenly, pushing a large number of hair follicles into the shedding phase. This is why, around 3-4 months postpartum, hair loss, consequently, becomes noticeable.
- Breastfeeding and nutritional depletion can also contribute to excessive hair shedding, especially if the mother is not getting enough nourishment.
- Lack of sleep and stress, which are unavoidable with a newborn, can make postpartum hair fall even worse.
Ayurvedic approach to managing postpartum hair loss
In Ayurveda, postpartum hair loss is linked to Vata and Pitta imbalance caused by childbirth, stress, and nutritional depletion. The focus is on nourishing the body, improving digestion, and strengthening hair from within.
Here’s how you can support your hair naturally:
- Eat warm, nourishing, and easily digestible foods to balance Vata.
- Include iron-rich foods like dates, jaggery, leafy greens, and sesame seeds to support blood health (Rakta Dhatu).
- Consume healthy fats like ghee to improve Ojas (vital energy) and promote hair growth.
- Avoid excess caffeine, processed foods, and dry, cold foods.
- Get enough sleep and rest.
- Hair oiling, massage and mild shampooing can help in better circulation.
- Drink enough water and sip on herbal teas like Ojas tea to improve your vigor and vitality.
Ayurvedic Approach to Hair Loss Treatment
Ayurvedic hair loss treatment is not a 1-day or 1-week project, but you have to be patient for 3-6 months to see lasting results. The more consistent and committed you are with the protocols, the better the results. The approach includes:
- Diet correction – Eating foods that nourish Asthi Dhatu (bone tissue) and Rakta Dhatu (blood tissue).
- Detoxification – Removing toxins that block hair growth.
- Scalp nourishment – Using mild herbal oils, scalp scrubs, and hair packs.
- Lifestyle changes – Reducing stress, improving digestion, and exercising.
The Hidden Ayurvedic Hack for Hair Growth
Let’s talk about a lifestyle hack that Ayurveda mentions to reduce hair fall and promote hair growth!
In Ashtanga Hridayam, there is a chapter that talks about Srotas. Srotas are channels or pathways – tubes, tubules, ducts, vessels, etc. through which materials are transported inside the body and also eliminated from the body.
There are many different Srotas in our body. For example, Srotas for expelling sweat, urine, menstrual blood, feces, etc.
Out of all the channels, one channel that is pivotal for hair growth is the Sweda Vaha Srota – the channel for carrying and expelling sweat.
It is said that hair fall happens when the Sweda Vaha Srotas (sweat pores) of the head are blocked.
So one big lifestyle hack to reduce hair fall and improve hair growth is to play a sport that makes your head sweat! This is a tried and tested hack; consequently, I have noticed changes in my hair and, furthermore, in my clients’ hair as well.
Alternatively, providing steam to your scalp is a good way to make your pores sweat. But, you need to do it with utmost care and only under the supervision of an expert.
Should You Worry About Hair Loss?
We all lose a few strands of hair every day, and that’s completely normal! Here are some facts to keep in mind:
- Genetics plays a significant role that is not in our control.
- Hormonal hair loss can be corrected with proper treatment.
- Post-fever and post-pregnancy hair loss are temporary.
- Stress about hair loss makes it worse.
People like me with long hair usually get this feeling that “I’m going to get bald soon” even when a little hairfall happens due to the length of each strand.
So, just chill. Life is too short to worry about a few strands of hair falling out every day!
3 Things You Should Never Do with Your Hair
Although, we all are extra careful about our hair, here are the top 3 things that you must avoid for healthy hair:
- Tying your hair in sleek buns and ponytails, however, may cause traction hair loss.
- Sleeping with your hair open as it leads to tangling and breakage. Also, the hair gets damaged due to continuous friction. I prefer to loosely braid my hair before bed and sleep on a silk pillow.
- Combing wet hair. Wet hair is more fragile and prone to breakage. So comb only when it’s dry.
Final Thoughts
Hair loss can be distressing; however, Ayurveda has solutions for most types of hair fall. The key is to identify your hair loss type and follow a consistent treatment plan for 3-6 months.
Your hair deserves care; therefore, Ayurveda offers the most natural ways to protect and restore it.
Have you tried Ayurveda for hair care? Share your experience in the comments!
If you are struggling with any health issues, you can either book a consultation with us or send us a message via WhatsApp to +91 79074 89839. We have the best Ayurvedic doctors in Trivandrum who are always glad to help you. If you have any queries, contact us. You can also visit us at our hospital.