
Coriander seeds and leaves have played a vital role in Indian cuisine for many years. The herb’s scientific name is Coriandrum Sativum Linn, but it is also known as Dhanyaka or Dhanya, translated as ‘the rich one.’ Its earthy and rejuvenating taste is well recognized, and it also provides several health benefits. 

Let’s thoroughly analyze the various benefits of this uncomplicated plant.


What is the composition of Dhanyaka?


Dhanyaka’s leaves and seeds are rich in Vitamin K. Vitamin K plays a role in maintaining the health of your blood and bones. The herb contains a high amount of Vitamin A, which aids in improving eye function, maintaining moisture and preserving vision. It also contains Vitamin C, which is beneficial for your health..

Some of its benefits are:

  • Strengthen your body’s ability to fight off sickness.
  • Improve how white blood cells work.
  • Enhance the body’s ability to absorb iron.
  • Heal cuts and scrapes faster.
  • Produce more collagen protein to make skin healthier and more stretchy.

The human body contains numerous free radicals, which are loose oxygen molecules. They cause significant damage to the cells and increase the risk of developing severe illnesses such as cancer. Dhanyaka contains numerous antioxidants that help the body combat and eliminate free radicals.

It prevents blood from clotting and reduces the risk of artery blockages. This is why the herb is essential in Ayurvedic medicine: to reduce the chance of heart problems and support heart function. The nutrients found in its seeds aid in maintaining clear blood vessels and preventing them from becoming hardened. Dhanyaka can assist in reducing high blood pressure by eliminating excess salt from the body. It contains essential minerals such as iron, folate, and potassium, as well as beneficial oils like geraniol, linalool, terpene, and camphene. These factors contribute to the herb’s effectiveness in alleviating a variety of health issues, such as migraines, arthritis, discomfort, inflammation, anemia, and others.


Vital Phytoconstituent of Dhaynaka


Dhaynaka plants contain a high water content of 84%. Fruits contain oils, fats, and various other compounds. Coriander oil contains coriandrol, geraniol, and baborneol. Fresh leaves contain oil, criandrol, oxalic acid and calcium. Leaves contain high amounts of vitamin C and carotene. Seeds contain fatty oil and essential oil at a rate of 19-21 percent. Linalool, a terpene alcohol present in Dhanyaka, has various healing applications, such as safeguarding the brain, alleviating pain and inhibiting seizures.


Benefits of Dhanyaka


Some of the medicinal benefits of the Dhanyaka plant are discussed below.  


Helps in digestion


Digestion is the bodily mechanism through which food is broken down into smaller parts, allowing for the absorption and utilization of nutrients. Dhanyaka is considered an effective treatment for stomach issues and pitta imbalances in Ayurvedic medicine. The plant has properties that can alleviate stomach discomfort and have a soothing effect. It assists in enhancing digestion while preventing acid reflux. 

Dhanyaka helps improve digestion and prevents the formation of toxins or Ama caused by undigested food. It aids in the body’s absorption and utilization of nutrients from food. It can also help in alleviating swelling, gas, stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, bloating and other gastrointestinal issues.


Balances Doshas


When combined with other digestive herbs from Ayurveda, such as Indian Bael, Mochras, Saunth, Dhataki, etc. Dhanyaka is an ingredient in Bilwadi Churna, an Ayurvedic remedy that aims to restore balance to Vata, Pitta and Kapha in the body. As Ayurvedic doctors, we often recommend using herbal blends to maintain a healthy stomach and enhance digestion. However, make sure that you do not take any herbal medicines without proper guidance from a qualified Ayurvedic doctor


Cleansing properties


The seeds of the Dhanyaka plant can enhance the urinary tract and prevent infections. Consuming Dhanyaka juice has benefits for both your internal and external health. It aids in the functioning of various organs within the body, purifies the blood, enhances the digestive process and reduces allergic reactions and irritations resulting from excess body heat. The leaves aid in the safe removal of harmful toxins such as lead, mercury, arsenic and other heavy metals from the body. When used topically, the juice improves skin health, eases allergies and irritations, reduces signs of aging, and gives skin a radiant glow.


Cleanses liver


Dhanyaka is a gentle spice that supports liver health and can stimulate appetite if liver function is compromised. When combined with certain herbs that are effective in promoting liver function, it also has the potential to aid in the elimination of kidney and gallstones.


Helps treat Rheumatoid Arthritis


According to AIIMS researchers, the herb is very successful in reducing Rheumatoid Arthritis. It aids the immune system, reduces inflammation in the joints, and hinders the production of chemicals that contribute to this issue. Another research study found that Dhanyaka decreased arthritis symptoms by supplying vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. Unlike other medications for the condition, Dhanyaka does not cause any adverse side effects.


Antianxiety and anticonvulsant Properties


Dhanyaka plant has the potential to alleviate anxiety and decrease blood pressure. In 2019, research conducted by the University of California analyzed the impact of Dhanyaka on the brain. When the herb is ingested, it interacts with specific potassium channels in the brain to decrease excessive cell activity and excitement, resulting in a calming effect. It is effective in mitigating severe seizures in patients and serves as a beneficial treatment for preventing convulsions.


Reduces cholesterol and sugar levels


Dhanyaka seeds have a significant impact on diabetes and cholesterol. They help decrease inflammation and function as antioxidants, making them beneficial for individuals with diabetes. Dhanyaka can  also effectively reduce cholesterol levels.

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