Ayurveda truths

Ayurveda, being the traditional system of medicine, is often compared with modern medicine. Not many people go for Ayurvedic treatment at the first chance. Many consider this as the last resort after having tried all other systems of medicine and failed. One of the main reasons is the lack of understanding of Ayurveda.  As an Ayurvedic doctor, here are 7 truths  that I wish more people understood.



7 truths about Ayurveda



Ayurveda is a life-long journey, not a 1-month challenge

Ayurveda is not just about treating the symptoms. It is about digging deeper into the root cause of a health condition and treating it while ensuring that it does not reoccur through diet, exercise and medicines. It is also about the prevention of health conditions that are likely to occur in the future through food, lifestyle and medicines. These achievements cannot be made in a day or a month. That is why it is a life-long journey.


When you start eating food that suits your body (Prakriti), healing begins, rather than consuming food labelled as healthy.

There are many food items are labelled as healthy.. But not all healthy foods are suitable for you. Ayurveda believes in eating whatever is suitable for your body and that is where your healing begins.


There is no one-size-fits-all approach in Ayurveda. Even identical twins with the same disease may need different diet, routines and medicines.

Ayurveda does not believe in providing the same treatment for everyone with the same health condition. The diet, routines and medicines recommended differ from person to person.


Just like ‚body language, mind has a language too. No other medical science explains mind language like Ayurveda

Many a times, physical health conditions are a result of the state of your mind. Ayurveda believes that mind has a language just like body language. And it is probably the only system of medicine that explains mind languages.


There would be fewer hospital admissions and surgeries in the world, if people started taking Ayurveda as the first line of treatment

As I said above, Ayurveda treats the root cause of a health condition, which means there is lesser scope for the health condition to recur. So, if people started taking it as the first line of treatment ‚ right when they feel they need to consult a doctor for a health condition, there would be lesser hospital admissions and surgeries in the world. Ayurvedic treatment includes lifestyle changes and medicine.


If Ayurveda was a teacher, the first lesson would be on self-discipline

Ayurvedic way of life imparts qualities like organization and self-discipline through a consistent daily routine. Therefore, it is not only your physical health that will improve when you choose Ayurveda. Your mental health will be in check and you also learn values like self-discipline.


These are only 7 truths, and more yet to come…




If you’re struggling with any health issues, book a consultation with us or  give us a message via WhatsApp at +91 79074 89839. We have the Best Ayurvedic Doctors in Trivandrum who is always glad to helps you .  You can also visit if you have any queries, contact us.  You can also visit.

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