PCOS Reversal Program

PCOS is one of the most common hormonal disorders affecting women today. According to Ayurveda, PCOS is caused by the imbalance of Pitta and Kapha Doshas. Aggravated Doshas toxify Dhatus (tissues) and cause Ama (toxins) to accumulate in the body. In our three-month PCOS Reversal Program, we help improve your PCOS by balancing the Doshas through Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle changes and medicines, if required.


Initial consultation

Once you enrol in our PCOS Reversal Program, you will have a consultation with the doctor, where you can discuss about your health concerns based on which the doctor will create a personalised treatment plan. It includes Ayurvedic medicine prescription for your health conditions, a detailed food plan and a lifestyle plan with routines like oil pulling, Nasya, Abhyanga, etc. You will be receiving this within 3 days of consultation.  

Getting your treatment plan and medicines

Once you get the plan and prescription from the doctor, you can order medicines locally or from online stores. We will provide you with all the assistance in sourcing them.  

Daily accountability and 24/7 support

Once you receive the medicines, we will start a private WhatsApp group consisting of a team doctor, nutritionist, a head nutritionist and yourself, to take care of you on a daily basis and to assist you with your treatment plan. During this time, Doctor Rekha will be available on SOS. The aim of the WhatsApp group is to create accountability and new habits, to ensure compliance, and for modifying lifestyle. The group will help you achieve your health goals faster through meal-to-meal correction and progress check.  

Panchakarma detox treatments (Online)

Depending on your condition, you may have 2 or 3 Panchakarma cleanses. They are Ayurvedic detoxification treatments that help expel vitiated Doshas (toxins) out of the body.  

Yoga classes

Along with the PCOS Reversal program, you can also enrol for online yoga sessions with Doctor Rekha’s own teacher (traditional Ashtanga yoga) based on your health condition, if required.  

Fortnightly review consultations

Every 15 days, there will be review consultations to analyse your progress, based on your plan. Changes will be made to the diet and medicines, if required, to help you achieve your health goals.



1 Main consultation with Team Doctor
5 Review consultations with Team Doctor
Daily Whatsapp coaching Medicines, routines & food plan supervised by Doctor Rekha
3 Plus Panchakarma body & mind detox cleanses
INR 36,000
2 Main consultations with Doctor Rekha
4 Review consultations with team doctor
Daily Whatsapp coaching Medicines, routines & food plan supervised by Doctor Rekha
3 Plus Panchakarma body & mind detox cleanses
INR 64,000